Item #1: the book that has yet to be named (I'm working on that!)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Shelving the Project

I was just looking at my last post- and realize it's been some time since I've updated it. Therefore, I only have myself to blame that this project has gone off track. I guess I was hoping and waiting to see what my September 1 deadline would bring, but then life just happens.
Jenna started Kindergarten- and with that an unfortunate new sleep routine that leaves me drained most evenings (we're working on it ;-)
Then, as some of you know, Bill's mom began losing her battle with cancer and she died on Thanksgiving Day. Our lives are forever changed with losing Nina, and we're still trying to wrap our heads around it.
Through all this, I keep thinking of what I'd want to write for Jenna about it all and how it applies to the book I wanted to write.
And that, of course brings me to think of our project...
A few of you have returned your contribution, a few have said you've written yours, gotten a lot out of it, and just need to get it to me. Some of you thought the project was a great idea, but I'm sure, life happened for you too :-)
So, I've decided to stop badgering you, and will just shelve the project. For those of you who did send yours in, thank you for trusting me with your very personal information. I am happy to return it if you'd like. Otherwise, I'll keep it in a secure place in case we decide to take another stab at it! Just let me know what you decide.
In the meantime, I hope the questions inspired some interesting thinking for each of you. I certainly enjoyed writing mine, and will update it over the years. Perhaps one day I'll find a way to make this happen!
With much love, Jodi